Maker Faire Coney Island 2023
Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Brooklyn Public Library
Home: New York, United States
Stop and learn more about the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Brooklyn Public Library, a FREE teen makerspace! Check out some projects made by our members, including a plant that manipulates music using its own electrical signals from an ECG sensor!
Saul Zelaya
Saul Zelaya was born and raised in Queens, New York, eventually graduating from Hunter College with degrees in English and Film & Media. Shortly after moving to Brooklyn, he began volunteering at the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Kings Highway Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. He was later hired to lead the Pathways program at the center, which will enter its 4th year of operation later this year. When the program isn't working with organizations such as PBS, the Grammy Museum, and the Council of Fashion Designers of America, Saul works with teens to provide college and career readiness, as well as technical skills in the fields of design, visual art, coding, and much more.
More...Valeri Zapeta
What Inspired You to Make This?
The Best Buy Teen Tech Center provides various maker resources to teens aged 13-18, and we actively try our best to spread the word about what we can provide to young makers.