Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Abu the Horsefly

Home: California, United States

This project is my second art car based on the Studio Ghibli characters, which are always profound in their meaning. Abu the Horsefly, is one of the magical insects from the iconic Studio Ghibli movie 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.' Abu offers us an opportunity to explore our internal fears of the new, our subconscious biases towards the foreign, and our flawed standards of the beauty. This art car a true collaborative endeavor, and it perfectly fits the message of many Ghibli movies – only together we can make a difference. Kids and adults can interact with the art car by changing eye colors by touch, climbing on it. Wings and mouth move as well by using custom gearing mechanism.

Abu the Horsefly - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Abu the Horsefly

This art car is a collaborative project of a fantastic group of makers who brought their knowledge, skills and abilities to take it to the next level.