Maker Faire Rome 2023

9Xduino: una versione in scala 9:1 del vostro microcontrollore preferito

Arduino Uno is a wonderful board for education, but sometimes it's too small for children! So we decided to scale it up (9x, just because we liked it ;) together with bunch of components and a breadboard. And to make things easier for small hands, all electrical connections are magnetic.
9Xduino: una versione in scala 9:1 del vostro microcontrollore preferito - Maker Faire

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ICTP Scientific FabLab Maker Photo

ICTP Scientific FabLab

We are all members of the ICTP Scientific FabLab, a digital fabrication laboratory that is part of a prestigious international research centre: there Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), located in Trieste (Italia). We are all makers and promoters of Science, Digital Fabrication, Open Source and Open Hardware, Education and Physics-for-All.