Visteli Labs

Visteli Labs

We have a color based music game, a robot that can make simple art, a GPS drivers log, a smart shopping cart, a hat that keeps you safe, and a Netduino board able to perform Stereo Vision.
Welcome to Visteli Labs.

What inspired you to make this project?:
We were inspired to make the GPS log because of past experiences with having to handle logging all the driving hours and from hearing so many wild stories from friends about losing track of the hours they drove or misplacing their logs. In today's technology driven world, we wanted to create an easier, more convenient way to record hours of driving for striving drivers.
The color game, Color Melody, was inspired by our shared love for interactive video games and music.
The Smart Shopping Cart was a result of the frustration we sometimes felt when we couldn't find the product we were looking for in a supermarket and we thought it would be helpful for people who would like to expand their pantry and try things they might not have thought to try before.
The art robot was a fun side project to challenge ourselves if we could create a machine that could be used as a painting platform.

Project Website