rLoop - A crowdsourced Hyperloop Project

rLoop - A crowdsourced Hyperloop Project

rLoop is a globally distributed and crowdsourced Hyperloop project. Our mission is to develop and launch innovative technology fueled by a genuine desire to improve the world and humankind.

What inspired you to make this project?:
In June of 2013, Elon Musk publicly released a whitepaper outlining his concept for a new high-speed transportation system, which he named the Hyperloop. Two years later, frustrated by lack of progress on the open sourced concept, SpaceX announced they would host a Hyperloop pod design competition and would build a sub-scale track 1-mile in length for the event.
Within hours of the competition announcement, rLoop was born after a post on the SpaceX subreddit suggested the community, which is known for its engineering-oriented members and high-quality discussions, collectively form a team. The group organically organized to form a hierarchy-free team that operates in the cloud, facilitating collaboration with modern online tools. It was an experiment in open collaboration fueled by passion alone.

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