What Can You Do With a Drone?
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
DJI VP of Policy and Legal Affairs Brendan Schulman and Make: magazine Executive Editor Mike Senese will discuss the various fun, practical, and beneficial ways drones are being employed today, and examine the legal aspects of flying you own rig in various locales and scenarios.

Mike Senese
Mike Senese is the Executive Editor of Make: magazine. He is also a TV host, starring in various engineering and science shows for Discovery Channel, including Punkin Chunkin, How Stuff Works, and Catch It Keep It.
Brendan Schulman
Brendan Schulman is Vice President of Policy and Legal Affairs at DJI, the world's leading civilian drone company. He is responsible for setting DJI's corporate policies relating to regulatory and legal issues, and advocates for reasonable and balanced policy outcomes for drone operators at the federal and state level, and internationally.