Making is Medicine
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
Research shows that purposeful hand use has physical, cognitive, and psychological benefits. When we create manually, we stimulate the five senses, a large part of our brain, and our fine motor muscles. Such engagement elevates mood. In a keyboard culture, making is crucial to our health.

Alton Barron, MD
Alton is an orthopedic surgeon in New York specializing in problems of the hand, elbow, and shoulder. He is an Associate Clinical Professor, a treating physician for the New York Philharmonic and Metropolitan Opera, and has appeared on multiple networks including ABC, CBS, and Fox News. He has authored numerous scientific publications and routinely speaks at national meetings. He loves making.
Carrie Barron, MD
Carrie is a board-certified psychiatrist/psychoanalyst on clinical faculty at Columbia in New York. She has published in peer-reviewed journals, won multiple academic awards and presented nationally. She authored the Creativity Cure: How To Build Happiness with Your Own Two Hands published by Scribner in 2012. She maintains a popular blog on Psychology Today and specializes in wellness medicine