Launching a Medical Maker Space
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
The story of how an academic hospital launched a Medical Maker Space with MakerNurse, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation initiative to support nurses making solutions for patients at the bedside. Learn about how the Medical Maker Space was created & what hospital staff and patients are making!

Jose Gomez-Marquez
Jose directs the Little Devices Lab at MIT’s International Design Centre and the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science at MIT. The group aims to lower barriers to medical prototyping by bringing the worlds of health and making together. Jose is leading the design of the Medical Maker Space launching at UTMB Health.
David Marshall
David Marshall is the Chief Nursing & Patient Care Services Officer of UTMB Health in Galveston, TX. He is the co-lead for the MakerNurse Expedition Site at UTMB Galveston and leading the launch of the Medical Maker Space.
Lori Melichar
Lori Melichar, a labor economist, is a director at the Foundation where she focuses on discovering, exploring and learning from cutting edge ideas with the potential to help create a Culture of Health.