Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Draco the Juggler's Variety Juggling Show & Lessons

Home: California, United States

Draco the Juggler is offering free drop-in lessons for families to learn various juggling props starting at 12 pm Sunday (Oct 22). Participants can stop by and try out chinese yoyos (diabolos), juggling balls, spinning plates, and various balancing props. Draco will also be doing a variety juggling show during his time there.
Draco the Juggler's Variety Juggling Show & Lessons - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Chris Garcia

Draco the Juggler has performed and taught juggling across the SF Bay Area and around the world for nearly 2 decades. He uses a variety of props and circus skills in his shows, and loves sharing his passion for juggling to those eager to try.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Draco has been practicing the art of juggling for almost 2 decades and loves to share his passion for the circus arts with communities across the Bay Area. Juggling is a great physical activity for improving hand-eye coordination while having fun at the same time.