The State of Making in Healthcare

The State of Making in Healthcare

Health making is revolutionizing the way care is delivered in hospitals, clinics, and home care divisions across the globe. Patient-made machines are changing the provider-patient dynamic. The solutions by clinical staff at the point of care are making care better and more affordable.

What inspired you to begin investigating your topic or inspired you to make your project?:
Every makers at the hospital bedside have given us historical and modern day medical technologies. Using a maker mindset and transparent design, everyone from Nicaraguan nurses to Texan neurosurgeons to high schoolers in New England can participate in reinventing the way we treat and detect disease.

We wanted to democratize the same type of biological automation that gave us the human genome. Using inspiration from natural biological systems we found that by using life sciences as a vehicle for fabrication we can make complex robots much more affordable for everyone.

Project Website
Categories: Health, Makerspaces, Science