Maker Faire Rome 2023
The Nekolympic
The Nekolympic is a project, to create sports games ,that can be used for fitness in the room ,by combining Scratch, micro:bit, and exercise equipments. "Nekolympic" is a coined word that combines the Japanese "ne-ko",it means a cat, and the Olympics. Micro:bit senses the movement of exercise equipment and reflects it on the movement of Scratchcat in the screen. The importance of this project is that children can experience STEAM by creating their own sports games. We use cheap exercise equipment, and some have replaced kitchenware. Of cource ,you can play sports games on Nintendo game console, but the importance of this project is that children can experience STEAM by creating their own games.
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Ichiro Shimomura
My name is Ichiro Shimomura.I live in Tokyo,Japan. I am developing an educational STEAM projects under the name "The Nekoma Factory". I mainly develop devices that use micro:bit, Arduino, and M5Stack. I have presented the devices I have developed at events such as Maker Faire and Scratch Conference. I also teach programming to elementary school children in Tokyo.