Maker Faire Rome 2023
Rcoffee S.r.l is an innovative start-up company and the object of the activity is the transformation of used coffee grounds into pellets, we will also be able to recycle coffee grounds from plastic and aluminium capsules, thus also allowing the proper recycling of these materials. We have already realised the product and provided samples to our consumers. The team consists of three university students: Arash Moazenchi (CEO) student of Economics student; Matteo Villani (CFO) Law student; Marco Oliva (COO)Economics student. Project Photos
Rcoffee S.r.l.
Arash Moazenchi as CEO takes care of the technical aspects for the correct production of our product and of economic-managerial aspects thanks to the skills he learnt during his experience as a telephone operator at TIM. He possesses excellent dialectic skills and good social skills gained throughout his career within the team. Matteo Villani as CFO (chief financial officer) specialised in the financial and legal aspects of the company in connection with his studies. In addition, thanks to his work experience at ZARA, he learned a fair amount about handling difficult conversations and excellent problem solving skills. Marco Oliva, COO (chief operating officer) studies aspects of the management and organisation of the necessary professional figures and the chemical aspects of coffee grounds and pellets. During his work experience as a waiter, he acquired multiple skills in customer orientation, stress management, interpersonal skills and organisation of resources.