Maker Faire Los Angeles 2023

PantryChef: A Tensorflow and Raspberry Pi Recipe Suggestion App

Home: California, United States

Machine Learning app uses Tensorflow, Python, & Raspberry Pi to scan pantry & suggest best, healthy recipes based on ingredients. Helps save money, prevent food waste, & combat climate change by providing alternative grocery options.

PantryChef: A Tensorflow and Raspberry Pi Recipe Suggestion App - Maker Faire Los Angeles


Mizan Rupan-Tompkins Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Mizan Rupan-Tompkins

At age 8, Mizan was tinkering with microprocessors and coding in several programming languages. By age 10 he had received accolades from Barnes & Noble bookstore as one of its “Mini Makers” of the year. Months later he found himself presenting his “Age Guessing Bot” at Maker Faire Bay Area to thousands of people. His latest venture combines public food with technology.

What Inspired You to Make This?

The fast increasing rate of food prices!