Maker Faire Downtown Columbia 2023
LoThEMaR Opals custom wore wrapping
Home: Maryland, United States
LoThEMaR Opals, makers of handmade Opal and Gemstone jewelry, specializing in hand cut and polished Opals, and also showcasing gemstones, fossils, specimens, and jewelry.

Timothy F. Stefanoski
Timothy F. Stefanoski, owner of LoThEMaR Opals has made jewelry with Opals and other materials for over 20 years, and continues to share his interest and knowledge of stones and their folklore, properties, and history as well as helping people find stones that are a good match for them.
Jason Levy
Jason Levy is a 12 year old who has joined in making jewelry with a variety of beads to make pendants, bracelets, and earrings.
What Inspired You to Make This?
A new opportunity to share my skills and meet people.