Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
LED Front Skeleton Robot
Home: Kanagawa, Japan
'LED Front Skeleton Robot' is a life-sized rod puppet skeleton. This skeleton acts a real behavier by manipulating it by puppeteers. This was inspired by Japanese ”Bunraku”. This skeleton walks through the venue, dances to music and gives high five with people.

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Hiroaki Suzuki
Hiroaki Suzuki is a Japanese semiconductor engineer and indivisual maker interested in popular science and electronics. I am currently studying the mechanisms of the human skeleton and muscles. I exhibited at MFBA2018,MFBA2019.
What Inspired You to Make This?
VFX movies feature a wide variety of monsters. In the past, when there was no CG, various techniques were used. Stop motion, costumed puppets, animation, animatronics, etc. In Japanese 'Bunraku' puppet theater, a technique called 'rod puppet' was used, in which puppeteers manipulated puppets with their hands and sticks. I like this movement so much that I tried to move skeletons using this technique.