Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Kinetic Gear Art Wall
Home: California, United States
Inspired by a steampunk cafe in Romania, we made an 8×20 foot wall of 120 CNC cut hardwood involute spur gears which all turn slowly in mesh and dazzle the senses.
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Kinetic Steam Works
KSW formed in 2005 as a group of retro-tech industrial artisans who 'repurpose the artifacts of clockwork modernity” We combine elements and machinery of the Industrial Revolution with art and engineering to honor our past and inspire the future.
http://kineticsteamworks.orgWhat Inspired You to Make This?
The gear wall/clock was inspired by a cafe in Romania called Enigma. As a whimsical touch, the hour and minute hands of the clock turn opposite directions like the hands on the clock above the haunted mansion at Disneyland.