Maker Faire Meridian 2023

Amazing Steam Punk Art

Home: Mississippi, United States

Mississippi’s little-known Steam Punk Maker will share a variety of interactive, three-dimensional art pieces made from found objects. Sprockets, gears, electrical components, wood and polished scrap metal are used to build imaginative works of art.

Amazing Steam Punk Art - Maker Faire Meridian


Keith Matthews Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Keith Matthews

Keith Matthews is a retired visual information specialist with the Army Corps of Engineers Information Management Office in Vicksburg and is a West Mississippi illustrator and artist. He is one of Mississippi’s little-known Steam Punk Makers and has created a wide variety of interactive, three-dimensional art pieces made from found objects. Sprockets, gears, electrical components, wood and polished scrap metal are used to build imaginative works of art that stimulate the mind and inspire discussion.
