Maker Faire Los Angeles 2023
3D Printing Professor
Home: Utah, United States
The 3D Printing Professor presenting PrintABlok, the toy of the future.

Joe Larson
Award winning 3D designer, blogger, YouTubber and author. As the 3D Printing Professor, Joe has produced hundreds of educational and entertaining videos on YouTube, as well as hundreds of 3D Printing designs including the Low Poly Dino series, Chibimals, and PrintABlok.
https://www.3dpprofessor.com/What Inspired You to Make This?
Really, it was an idea that was bumping around in my head for years. But, ostensibly... well, I have a whole playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVybj_7VBHRKLh_HA6cheBP6nPmpx8pvH