Maker Faire Palm Beach 2023
VR & 3D Printed Pottery
Home: Florida, United States
Learn how easy it is to create pottery in the digital world with Virtual Reality and how easy it is to then to 3D print the same pottery into the real world!
Alex Lorenzo
Alex Lorenzo is a highly experienced CAD designer and 3D printing specialist with over three decades of industry experience. He began studying drafting and design in 1983 and honed his craft during the era of pencil and eraser drafting, and pioneered the use of CAD before the advent of the internet. With a natural talent for 3D Design, Alex became passionate about the 3D printing field, accumulating over a decade of experience in the technology. Throughout his career, Alex has enjoyed sharing his extensive knowledge with others, finding great satisfaction in teaching the skills and techniques that he has gathered over the years. His passion for 3D printing and design is fueled by the belief that it offers a superpower that enables the manifestation of anything imaginable. Today, as the CEO of ALL AXIS 3D STUDIOS, Alex continues to be a leading innovator in the industry, committed to advancing 3D printing and providing accessible, high-quality printing services to all.