Maker Faire Long Island 2023
The Nerdy Duo
Home: New York, United States
The Nerdy Duo are teaching artists from Nyack, NY, specializing in 3D and motion arts. Stop by their booth to talk about 3D modeling, casting and molding, or laser cutting and peruse their whimsical wares.
The Nerdy Duo
The Nerdy Duo are artists, makers, and educators from Nyack, New York, specializing in 3D, motion arts, and the intersection where art meets technology.
https://www.thenerdyduo.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
We can't help but make things. And now that we've gotten pretty good at teaching people to make things, it's really fun to show off how cool our students' work is. As much as we do need money like everyone else, we make stuff because we love to do it.