Maker Faire NW Arkansas 2023


Home: Arkansas, United States

The Spinorama is a 360 degree representation of the world in every direction from a single point of view. What!? Yes. Everything in every direction, except you, the viewer. You're not there. It's like observing the world where the observer is absent.

Spinorama - Maker Faire NW Arkansas
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Adam Campbell Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Adam Campbell

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1976, Adam attended the Tulsa Magnet schools of Emerson, Carver, and Booker T. Washington. His interest in meditation lead him to the School of Metaphysics in 1997 where he studied applied metaphysics in conjunction with organic gardening, animal husbandry, and orchard care. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Arkansas in 2013 and participated in the Re-Evaluation Counseling community during his time in Fayetteville. After spending some time traveling the United States from coast to coast, learning about the struggles faced by people in this country, he returned to Fayetteville and developed the spinorama, transmuting his experiences into an artistic innovation.


What Inspired You to Make This?

I thought the concept of 360 degree perception in every direction was intriguing. During my time as a teacher with the School of Metaphysics, I had a student who had been trained by a man who had died and come back. The training was very emotional in nature and this student influenced me to open up in unusual ways. It was inspiring, but also frightening. I felt like I was being pulled into a fate I could not control and did not want. I felt like I was trapped in a very deterministic system that I wanted to escape from but could only surrender to. I tried to ignore it and put it aside. Years later, while participating in a plein-air landscape painting program in Pennsylvania, the fact that the landscape is literally surrounding us, 360 degrees in every direction, took on a deeper significance. Around this time, I became involved in a trauma recovery program that helped me with some of my struggles based on childhood, but then focus shifted to racial issues. I decided to go into the world to try and make a difference, to help, but this lead to a complete reenactment of my own childhood trauma, which made life extremely painful and isolated. During this isolation, the idea of the Spinorama came to me as a new way to see the world, which I needed very much at the time.

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