Maker Faire Coney Island 2023

Make personalized graphics for t-shirts/bags

Home: Pennsylvania, United States

Learn how to make your own DALL-E 2 generated personalized an old t shirt with an unique design or spice up your canvas shopping bag using the power of AI so you can try it at home.

Make personalized graphics for t-shirts/bags - Maker Faire Coney Island


Tex Kang Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Tex Kang

Program Coordinator of Technology and Play at University of Pennsylvania Manager of the Education Commons Library and Makerspace Former chef and restaurant owner Burning Man artist/fire performer and former regional Burn team Have two dogs with Tolkien Elvish names

What Inspired You to Make This?

AI is a developing area of interest in the academic field for universities and I wanted to introduce it to students in an engaging, safe, and fun way while answering any questions regarding AI programs