Maker Faire Rome 2023

Light Wheel by Oz Officine Zero

We have created Light Wheel, an open-source board that repurposes components from discarded scooters, reducing environmental impact. Our project is a prototype application of Light Wheel on a manual wheelchair for individuals with disabilities, suitable for tight spaces like corridors and elevators. Motorization is achieved using a Light Wheel platform, 36V brushless motors, and repurposed scooter battery packs. The wheelchair, controlled by a joystick, offers optimal functionality and safety, including speed control, anti-tipping measures, audible and visual alerts, and provision for anti-collision sensors. This prototype focuses on autonomous mobility for people with disabilities, providing a low-cost and environmentally friendly solution. Light Wheel exhibits great versatility for various applications.
Light Wheel by Oz Officine Zero - Maker Faire

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Oz Officine Zero S.c.a.r.l. Maker Photo

Oz Officine Zero S.c.a.r.l.

Matteo Di Troia, product designer and developer who loves working with recycled materials; Andrea Bachini, mechanical designer, CE machinery certification designer, Python programmer; Fabrizio Gentili, digital craftsman (; Manfredi Scanagatta, PhD in Digital Humanities, researcher and lecturer at UniMoRe and LUMSA; Technical Consultant Paolo Aliverti (

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