Maker Faire Orange County 2023

hÜk Charcuterie

Home: California, United States

I am an artisanal woodworker making upscale, creative kitchen and home accessories such as c-tables from bent wood, one-handed charcuterie boards, coasters, charcuterie knives, pizza access, and more. I try to bring an element of art, function, and s
hk Charcuterie - Maker Faire Orange County


Marc Anderson - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Marc Anderson

Born and raised in Orange County, I was a massage therapist for over 15 years, then the pandemic hit. I started woodworking as a hobby to keep my sanity while social distancing, but quickly fell in love. Since then, I have made a career switch and focus solely on my art. I could not be happier and am excited to really start sharing this with the world and hopefully inspire others to follow their own passions as I continue to share my journey.

What Inspired You to Make This?

My fiance was a server for many years and both her and I have a lot of pain in our hands and wrists, making carrying and serving things difficult. This is what inspired me to come up with a different way to serve, and that opened the flood gates of creativity.