Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Cardboard Robotics and Physical Computing with the micro:bit

Home: California, United States

The micro:bit is a low cost entry into physical computing and making engaging and interesting robots does not always require an expensive kit. This workshop will show some simple tips and tricks for using recycled and low cost materials to build robotics projects. Borrowing ideas from the Robot Petting Zoo and projects by Cecilia Hillway (lip synching robots) and Natasha Dzurny (cardboard guitar) and others you will develop a toolkit for building low cost and engaging projects. This workshop is targeted to educators interested in providing open-ended physical computing projects to their students but can be valuable for home DIYers as well.

Cardboard Robotics and Physical Computing with the micro:bit - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Diego Fonstad

Diego Fonstad is a lifelong maker, who founded Imagination Supply Co, makers of Lectrify, in 2014 to address what he felt was an unmet need in hands-on products for K-12 electronics, engineering and coding. Lectrify products are built modeling the de