Maker Faire Rome 2023

Arduino nelle ferrovie in miniatura

The project is based on Arduino uno and is designed to make a model railway "smart", combining digital and analog systems
Arduino nelle ferrovie in miniatura - Maker Faire


GFTartaruga Maker Photo


The union of the aptitudes of each member, such as imagination, dexterity, creativity, ability to observe reality to reproduce it in scale (H0 -1/87) aimed at building over time something that satisfies the soul and the eyes. Some more technical data on our modular ... as mentioned we are based on the FIMF standards with two parallel analog parade tracks and the mandatory secondary line. The setting of the line, of the buildings and of the accessories is placed in epoch IV of the Italian style, this DOES NOT prohibit the fact of running from the steam locomotive to the last ETR produced… the tracks are tracks!