EcoSoap with Eco-Friendly Soap Saver Insert

EcoSoap with Eco-Friendly Soap Saver Insert

Problem: Nearly 25% of bar soaps end up in landfill. That’s an economic loss of nearly $1 Billion and over 200,000 tons of pollutants in our water sources per year.
Our solution: Insert a hollow plastic pebble core in the bar soap at the time of manu

What inspired you to make this project?:
We throw away a lot of used bar soaps and then I saw a documentary on how soaps and detergents are harming our planet, so I decided to something about it. I talked to my brother and Dad we then came up with this idea of creating a eco-friendly, recyclable plastic core that will be inserted into each bar soap. We made 3D prototypes of the insert and have been using them to make bar soaps at home now. We simply use the plastic core to make new bar soaps, so we are not throwing away anything or polluting anymore. We also use dominoes, plastic glow pebbles and actual pebbles as soap-saver inserts, which we use later to make more soaps, or simply play with the dominoes, or use the glow pebbles in the fish tank, or use actual pebbles in our garden. None of our soap-savers are ever wasted - they are 100% reused or recycled whereas nearly every used bar is thrown away. With our sensible soap-saver inserts we want o change that and prevent millions of tons of soap from ending up in landfills and streams.