Project ORRCA: For a Cleaner. Better World.

Project ORRCA: For a Cleaner. Better World.

ORRCA is an unmanned surface vessel, inspired by the BP Oil Spill in 2010. Built to clean up water pollution, ORRCA can separate sediments, dirt, plastics, and even oil from water. Let's solve the world water crisis, together, for a cleaner world.

What inspired you to make this project?:
Back in 2010, I followed the aftermath of the BP Oil Spill closely. I looked at the cleanup methods looking at effectiveness and cost as well as potential environmental dangers. I noticed many of the cleanup methods were inefficient (skimming) and some even hurt the environment (controlled burning). However, the other trend I saw was that these systems were expensive costing upwards of 50,000 dollars each. I though that there must be a better way to clean up our world's waterways. Initially, I started this project as a response to the BP Oil spill to only clean up oil from the water, but after a trip to India in 2011, which opened my eyes to the problems of water quality in the world, I expanded the project to include all types of pollution. What really inspired this project was the realization of the horrors man has inflicted on the worlds waterways. I was inspired to change that - to make the world a better place. To make a cleaner, better world.

Project Website