Maker Faire Rome 2023

PicoFlutter - Wearable for Learning Electronics

PicoFlutter is a butterfly-shaped wearable development board for learning the basics of embedded programming. This educational tool is RP2040-powered and includes multiple programmable LEDs, as well as a Qwiic connector for adding sensors. This dev kit is perfect for young learners who want to have fun and create their own wearable technology while also learning about electronics, programming, and Edge ML. The device serves as a tool to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications, fostering innovative thinking and cultivating an interest in STEAM fields.
PicoFlutter - Wearable for Learning Electronics - Maker Faire

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Alexandra Covor Maker Photo

Alexandra Covor

Alexandra is a maker with a passion for fusing art and electronics in her projects. Having worked as a STEAM educator and later on as an embedded engineer, she seeks to make technology education more accessible for youth through open hardware.

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