Maker Faire Tulsa 2023

Society for Creative Anachronism, the Barony of Northkeep

Home: Oklahoma, United States

The SCA is a historical recreation society. Northkeep is a Barony in the Kingdom of Ansteorra (OK and most of TX). We cover the area of NE OK and no matter your medieval interest, our group is big enough to help you along your journey to learning!
Society for Creative Anachronism


Society for Creative Anachronism - Barony of Northkeep Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Society for Creative Anachronism - Barony of Northkeep

The SCA is a historical recreation society. Northkeep is a Barony of the SCA in the Kingdom of Ansteorra (OK and most of TX). We cover the area of NE OK and study many varied medieval arts and crafts.