Maker Faire WNY Regional 2023
Stuffed Annies Crochet Animals
Home: New York, United States
Stufffed animals are not just for kids anymore! Hi, My name is Bethany and I am the maker behind Stuffed Annies. I make all kinds of plushies from Pop-Tarts do dinosaurs, sloths and turtles and so much more.

Bethany Richardson
My name is Bethany and I started crocheting about 7 years ago. While crafting is something that has always been prevalent in my family, crochet was not a skill passed down to me by my elders. I am entirely self taught through youtube, books, and other patterns I have found. I started this journey with crocheting the standard things like scarves, pot holders washcloths, blankets and the like. I found that it is way more fun to make animals, it also brings people a lot of joy. Since then I have only made plushies. I enjoy making animals for those of all ages to cherish and love for years to come.