Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Home: California, United States

Posables are life-sized wooden stick figures that can be arbitrarily posed to make a statement, scene, or tell a story. They have been a staple at Bay Area Maker Faires almost since the beginning, and are a favorite of many attendees. The exhibit is fully interactive, comprising many characters or different sizes as well as pneumatic animatronics - controlling a character on a trampoline or climbing a pole, for example.

Posables - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Robert Browqn Maker Photo

Robert Browqn

Bob Brown and Mike Regalbuto are both recently "mostly retired" PhD Engineers with decades of experience in Silicon Valley, both in established corporations abnd start-up. At present, both are pursuing their own interests in design and making.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Mike Regalbuto and Bob Brown have been making these characters together for many years, largely for fun. We like that the characters have a great appeal to kids who like to pose them to express thoughts and feelsings that might otherwise b e difficult to express.