Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

My Heart Will Go On

Home: California, United States

Exhibited on the Burning Man Playa this year, “My Heart Will Go On” is a 10ft kinetic sculpture that dances with the rhythm of life and love, lighted up by string of LEDs, powered by the sun and wind. Drawing inspiration from the timeless song, “My Heart Will Go On,” this piece recaptures the spirit of enduring love and courage. Amid a world recovering from pandemic, a world with wars and economic downturn, it stands as a symbol of hope and resilience. As you witness its rhythmic pulse, we hope you find love: love for others, love for our shared world, and most importantly, love of yourself. Artist Group: Double X, Carlsbad, Daedalus, laëiou, Rabbitovski
My Heart Will Go On - Maker Faire Bay Area
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Double X, Carlsbad, Daedalus, Rabbitovski, laëiou

We are a group of Asians and Americans who now live in bay area. We are passionate about art and technology, and we want to bring new experiences and positive energy to the world.

What Inspired You to Make This?

The revolving heart is inspired by the geometric form and balance of Alexander Calder's sculpture. The lead artist is also fascinated by the concept of a future dystopian world where a piece can stand long and keeps moving just by interacting with the nature.

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