Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Learn to Solder Kits

Home: California, United States

Learn to Solder Kits makes beginner electronics kits to provide an easy, hands-on, and rewarding introduction to electronics. We began making kits in 2015, designing our first kits while hosting a series of workshops to get high schoolers excited about STEM. All our kits are 100% Open Source and designed, assembled, and shipped from Sacramento, California.
Learn to Solder Kits - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Learn to Solder Kits Maker Photo

Learn to Solder Kits

Learn to Solder Kits makes beginner electronics kits to provide an easy, hands-on, rewarding introduction to electronics. We began making kits in 2015, designing our first kits while hosting workshops to get high schoolers excited about STEM. All our kits are 100% Open Source and designed, assembled, and shipped from Sacramento, CA.

What Inspired You to Make This?

As engineers, we were doing outreach with high schoolers back in 2015, hoping to share some of the joy we had found in engineering. Since melting metal to make your first circuit come alive is a magical, visceral feeling that everyone (especially teenagers) should get a chance to experience, we chose to run a soldering workshop. We'd been unable to find a suitable kit for a one-hour workshop, so we designed our own. The workshop was a hit. We put the extras we had online, open-sourced the designs, and have been making and selling them ever since from Sacramento, California.