Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
How we started as makers and snuck into Hollywood props and special effects
Home: United States
How does one go from being a maker, to working on Hollywood productions? Here are a few people who have made it and we want to share our stories and give you advice on how you might break into the movie scene. We have worked on StarTrekBeyond, Predator, Maze runner, DeathNote, Ghostbusters, Fraggle Rock, and made one of the most viral advertising campaigns ever on Youtube for Wednesday Adams. We are very lucky. Everyone in this talk started out as makers just like you. Some of us lived in the middle of nowhere. 3D printing, Designing, Lasers, robotics and Radio Control. How did we get into movies with the odds stacked against us? We will share our stories of how we got into movies and show you how we snuck into the movie industry.
Mount Make More
Michael Corrie started a TikTok channel focused on props and slowly found himself getting gigs for stage and movie productions. Jesse Velez: Always knew he wanted to work in movies, gained skills for the industry in college and started his own prop shop. By night Mike Evans is a professional radio control car racer. He got his start in movies when his sister saw a Facebook post from a local production looking for a radio control driver. Ben Eadie is a freelance aeronautical engineer from Alberta. When a friend in the industry asked him to design some things for a film…the rest is history.