Maker Faire Trieste 2023
Home made digital holographic microscope for 3D bio-imaging
Home: Italy, Italy
We present a digital holographic microscope for quantitative phase contrast imaging of bio-samples. The device is low-cost and portable add-on module of a conventional microscope with 3D printed support. The microscope is based on the off-axis, common-path geometry in the detection path. The microscopy capabilities are demonstrated through several bio-imaging on biological specimens.


Humberto Cabrera
Humberto Cabrera graduated in physics from the ST Kliment Ojhridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria, obtained the master degree in Optics from the ISPJAE University, Havana and the Ph.D degree in Optics from the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. Cabrera was Regular and Senior associate to the ICTP since 2011 till 2017, during this period he was supporting Winter Colleges on Optics taken care of the Hands-on experimental sessions and Director of the Winter College in 2017. In addition, his research activities were combined with the training activities of many visitors from developing countries. Currently, his research activities are directed to the development of photothermal and laser-based methods for thermo-optical characterization of materials, identification and determination of toxic compounds in the environment as well as the investigation of photocatalytic degradation of pollutants in water. Additionally, his research topics covered the implementation of on-line thermal lens detection for ele