Maker Faire Rome 2023

Arduino-based organ perfusion system.

Laboratory equipment could be expensive and their cost can be unsustainable for scientists with limited financial resources. In order to overcome these limits we build a scalable organ perfusion system for research purposes based on Arduino boards, pressure transducers, peristaltic pumps, a thermostatic unit, and a micro-oxygenator. Our system is designed to measure the mechanical properties of rat liver, however, it can be rearranged to perform other research on subnormothermic or hypothermic ex-vivo perfusion of liver and kidney or to realize peritoneal or isolated limb perfusion models.

Categories: Open Source, Science,
Arduino-based organ perfusion system. - Maker Faire

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IRCCS Policlinico S.Martino Maker Photo

IRCCS Policlinico S.Martino

Stefano Di Domenico MD PhD He is a surgeon at the Polyclinic S.Martino in Genoa. He is focused on oncological surgery of liver and pancreatic tumors with ultrasound guidance. He has also gained experience in locoregional chemo-hyperthermal treatments, and in surgery of retroperitoneal sarcomas and neuroendocrine tumors. He is studying the plasticity of the blood circulation inside the liver in order to optimize its regeneration and functionality: to this end he designed and runs a research project that uses an organ perfusion system based on the Arduino board.
