Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Space Palette Pro - A New Casual Instrument

Home: California, United States

The Space Palette Pro is the latest iteration of the 'casual instrument' style of interactive installation that I've been developing for the last decade. Similar to casual games, casual instruments provide immediately entertaining and satisfying results, with the potential for deeply expressive exploration. This latest version uses the Sensel Morph, a multitouch surface with extreme pressure-sensitivity. By finger-painting on these pads, you simultaneously play music and generate visuals. No pre-recorded media, sequences, or loops are used – everything is generated in realtime by your hands. Much of the project has been open-sourced.
Space Palette Pro - A New Casual Instrument - Maker Faire Bay Area
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Tim Thompson Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Tim Thompson

Tim Thompson is a software engineer, musician, and interactive installation artist. His wide-ranging technology-enabled artistic work spans four decades and has been exhibited and enjoyed at many festivals and museums.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Recent advances in sensor technology now enable three-dimensional input, and I have found depth-sensing cameras (like the Microsoft Kinect) and pressure-sensitive surfaces (like the Sensel Morph) particularly useful for creating interfaces that are as simple and natural as finger painting.