Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Peninsula Precious Plastics
Home: California, United States
Our primary activities will be sorting and cleaning of collected plastic (specifically HDPE), shredding the plastic and then using Precious Plastic equipment (injection or compression moulds) to make objects participants can walk away with. We will also offer a plastic bag crafting project where participants can use simple tools to make sturdy bags and wallets from plastic bags. Participants will learn about the global Precious Plastic community and how they can participate at home or start a group of their own. Each weekend we will host a local artist or entrepreneur who is using these same processes and equipment to create products from waste plastics.
https://www.peninsulapreciousplastics.orgAdditional Project Photos
Peninsula Precious Plastics
We are a grassroots organization inspired by @realpreciousplastic that supports local ART and STEM education focused on sustainability in San Carlos, California We work with middle and high school students to augment their eduction by helping student Inspired You to Make This?
Dave Hawkins and our son Nick Schick