Maker Faire Pioneer Valley 2023 chandeliers and lamps
Home: Massachusetts, United States
I make chandeliers, lamps and other unusual lighting objects using metal, wood and resin. Many of the materials I use are discarded or used and I find repurposing shapes and objects into new uses to be great fun for me and to viewers. Persistent ideas that I work with are histories of objects and continuance of space through representations of separation and the impermanence of things. I especially like the challenges and new ideas that unknown flaws of used or recycled parts bring to the work, as these require creative solutions that only seem to come up when I think I have failed.
Dave McBride
I make chandeliers, lamps and other unusual lighting objects using metal, wood and resin. Many of the materials I use are discarded or used and I find repurposing shapes and objects into new uses to be great fun for me and to the users. Persistent ideas that I work with are histories of objects and continuance of space through representations of separation and the impermanence of things. I especially like the challenges and new ideas that unknown flaws of used or recycled parts bring to the work, as these require creative solutions that only seem to come up when I think I have failed.
https://www.pdmcbride.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
The deepest root of this was in Peace Corps I lived in a remote village in the Andes that has just gotten electricity. People lived in mud houses, frequently just one room for a family of 3-5. Their harsh lives looked even more grim when lit by a single 100 watt bulb hanging in the middle of that room. I taught the kids to make colorful translucent paper shades that took the edge off of those visions of abject poverty. I continue making pretty, intriguing lighting to brighten lives at night.