Maker Faire Milwaukee 2023

Milwaukee Makerspace Stained Glass

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Creating with glass is an engaging activity, providing opportunities to gain skill through expression. At Milwaukee Makerspace, we start with basics and progress to designing and producing. See makers in this process and enjoy the recent creations.
Milwaukee Makerspace Stained Glass - Maker Faire Milwaukee


Milwaukee Makerspace Stained Glass Area Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Milwaukee Makerspace Stained Glass Area

These makers include veterans, recent high school grads, machinists, and an HVAC installer. We hold a common commitment to create with one another individual projects that expand our skill with glass.

What Inspired You to Make This?

This will be our first participation as a stained glass group, but not our first as Milwaukee Makerspace. We are interested in doing demonstrations because of our growing team area.