Maker Faire Rome 2023

La giusta via

La giusta via is a game for children with the aim of teaching general knowledge and gestures. the game includes the base, a ball, blocks, and two types of cards: questions and answers. the child places the question card at the top right and the corresponding answer card at the bottom under the circular holes. from here the game is accessed and the child must create a path with the wooden blocks to get the ball (located at the top left) into the correct circular hole which corresponds to the answer to the question. if the answer is correct, green lights will turn on and there will be a positive sound, otherwise red lights will turn on.

Categories: Craft, Education, Kids & Family,
La giusta via - Maker Faire


Susanna Cattaneo Maker Photo

Susanna Cattaneo

Hello, let's introduce ourselves! we are five second year product design students at IED in Milan. Today we are here to introduce you to our project: La giusta via

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