Maker Faire Pensacola 2023
Fractured Reality
Home: Florida, United States
What initially started as propsmithing has evolved into various avenues of crafting, most especially drawing! Fractured Reality encompasses all my art forms, and I love to share my pieces with people around me. From wood burning to cosplay props to drawings, I want to be able to share my love of the arts with everyone.
Amy Johnson
Hi, I'm FireCat, and ever since I made my first prop in 2006, I've loved expanding my horizons by branching out into woodburning and art; I'm currently pursuing a Graphic Design degree at Arizona State University, and work full-time as a Barista at the University of West Florida. When not working or drawing, I can usually be found creating something new, or chasing my two cats around the house!
What Inspired You to Make This?
I get to do a great deal of drawing while I'm at work (I run the coffee shop in the Science & Engineering building at UWF), and I get to teach the students that come about how things are made/done. It inspired me to be able to do this as well!