Maker Faire Rochester 2023

Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught

Home: New York, United States

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Onslaught is a competitive skirmish game in which each player controls an adventuring party from one of the powerful factions of the Forgotten Realms.
Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught - Maker Faire Rochester


Nicholas Yu Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Nicholas Yu

Nicholas Yu has been designing board games since 2013. He has 3 published titles under his belt with a few more on the way in 2023 and 2024, including the new Dungeons & Dragons tactical miniatures game, Onslaught.
Default Maker Photo

Travis Severance

What Inspired You to Make This?

I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I was a kid, so it was a dream to work on this project.