Maker Faire Coney Island 2023
DIY Guitar Pedal.
Home: Pennsylvania, United States
In this workshop you will learn how to make your very own guitar effects pedal using the Daisy Seed, a microcontroller specialized for music. We will learn about different musical effects and assemble their very own effects pedal.
Becky Button
Becky Button is an engineer and experimental electronic musician. She has been involved in the maker scene since 2012, when she got into 3D printing and built a myoelectric prosthesis. Since then, she's been involved in a myriad of projects that range from wi-fi deauthing sandals, to helping build a semiconductor fab at Carnegie Mellon. She hopes to one day raise goats with her friends.
Jason Garwood
As a transdicplinary artist, Jason loves technology that interfaces digital media with the physical environment. They are constantly bouncing between music, entertainment, exhibition, and experimental design. After studying Architecture and Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon, Jason spends their time creating tech that helps artists tell stories. Some of which include exciting exhibitions, interactive toys, creative publications, and XR experiences. Jason uses these skills to connect with LGBTQ+ technologists that help make the world a better place!