Maker Faire Rome 2023

Cheap Fit

Cheap Fit aims to reduce sedentariness: a problem that results in 14.6 percent of deaths in Italy. We intend to combat corporate employee sedentariness and exercise inconstancy, improving business performance and reducing the negative spin-offs of these issues. The app incentivizes users with gamification logic to exercise, get a digital reward, for each step or kcal consumed, and challenge each other in tournaments. Through Corporate Wellness plans, companies invest in wellness, benefiting from increased company productivity and motivation.
Categories: Health, Maker Pro,
Cheap Fit - Maker Faire

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Cheap Fit

Cheap Fit's co-founders, Stefano Sforna and Diego Anastasi, are two young men with business and management backgrounds who decided to undertake this project after having had other experiences in teams.

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