Maker Faire Baton Rouge 2023

Capital STEM Network Center Outreach

Home: Louisiana, United States

Explore the exciting programs of LASTEM, Capital Area STEM Network, and the LSU Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy. Sign up for our newsletter, witness captivating robots, and join us in advancing STEM education and innovation.
Categories: Education, Robotics,
Capital STEM Network Center Outreach - Maker Faire Baton Rouge


Capital Area STEM Network Center Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Capital Area STEM Network Center

In 2020, Louisiana Board of Regents launched LaSTEM, fostering statewide STEM access and equity. Capital Area STEM Network, hosted at LSU, serves seven parishes in Region 2.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Contributing to STEM education and the library system in our region.