Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Airplane simulator

Home: California, United States

We built a home built airplane and it flies and we have a great time with it. But as a kid I could never get close to airplanes every time I went to the airport they would send me away. So I want to bring the airplane to the kids I want to let them get inside of it, touch it and digitally flight with the simulator we installed inside of it. I want to inspire future Generations.

Airplane simulator - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Jeff, Dave's, & Michaels crazy Fabrications

We are a group that loves to build unique things that pull the community in. We love the unique and different things of this world.

What Inspired You to Make This?

We were inspired to make this airplane because we've always loved airplanes since we were children. And when we finally got the skills and finances to be able to build it, it was a dream come true. We have so much fun playing with it and building it, we wanted to share it with everybody. This is when we decided to put a simulator inside of it. That was the only logical choice. We are really looking forward to sharing our project with everybody especially the kids. It is my hope that future Generations are inspired by our work.

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