Using EmotiBit as an Open Source Virus Tracker and Research Tool project image

Using EmotiBit as an Open Source Virus Tracker and Research Tool

Virtually Maker Faire 2020

May 22nd-23rd

Exhibit Re-thinking the Future

How can the Maker community help understand the disease course of COVID-19 and develop better treatment decisions? EmotiBit ( is a wearable, open source bio-sensor that can capture 16+ streams of data from the body. Including a medical-grade temperature sensor and a pulse/blood-oxygen sensor, it's possible to stream data to any platform and study how COVID-19 affects the body and how to develop critical new intervention markers. As an Adafruit FeatherWing, it's Arduino compatible and has a built-in SD card providing 100% data ownership. We've been developing EmotiBit for the last 2 years and are excited to explore ways that it can help understand and treat COVID-19 and the increasingly connected world in which we live.

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