E-Felted Magical (I purple you) Mushrooms

Virtually Maker Faire 2020

May 22nd-23rd

Exhibit Re-thinking the Future

The outbreak of COVID-19 has an enormous and diverse impact on people globally. Many people feel overwhelmed, isolated, and uncertain. To manage our wellbeing, crisis support
organizations emphasize a 'calm approach' that incorporates creative mindful practices in our daily routines. Such creative activities enable us to express our feelings, connect with family, friends and communities. Today, the connection between wellbeing and engagement with ‘slow’ approaches to creative making is more meaningful than ever.

This workshop focuses on a slow approach to needle felting and electronics to create a
mushroom that calms the mind, encourages mindfulness, and expresses feelings of affection
and connectivity with our communities and the natural environment.

E-Felted Magical (I purple you) Mushrooms project image

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